HTML entities are special characters that are used to display characters that are not available on the keyboard.
These characters can include symbols like copyright and trademark, as well as non-Latin characters like Greek letters or Chinese characters.
HTML entities are written in the format &entity_name;
or &#entity_number;
HTML entities reference, For example,
- the entity for the copyright symbol is
- and the entity for the Greek letter Omega is
- For multiple space we use
HTML entities are a key tool for web developers to ensure that their content is properly displayed across different devices and platforms.
Decode strings with html entities
Here is a table of some commonly used HTML entities, along with their symbol and entity format
Symbol | Entity Format | Entity Name |
© | © | © |
® | ® | ® |
£ | £ | £ |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ |
€ | € | € |
≠ | ≠ | ≠ |
≤ | ≤ | ≤ |
≥ | ≥ | ≥ |
± | ± | ± |
Note: this is not a comprehensive list, there are many more HTML entities available.
Hope it help you!
Good luck
[…] HTML5 entities […]